Saturday, July 2, 2011

My xbox live woes.

Written by Anthony

For all those out there that frequent xbox live and never really had and issue with it, I hate you.

Ok maybe it's not really your fault that my xbox live connection didn't exactly work out of the box, but someone has to take the blame...   Due to a combination of awkward ethernet cable wiring,  us using VoIP as our home phone and my recent urge to play call of duty black ops online, I had to change a couple of things to my home network. My old setup consisted of a linksys VoIP routerish type thingy, which then fed into 3 other routers which then connected to my xbox. No wonder my xbox live didn't work right?

The new setup: I decided to opt for the linksys cisco e3200, a gigabit switch from d-link and one of my old routers (after changing it to an access point). This system seemed to have solved my issues...for a couple of days, but for reasons that are beyond me, it suffered severed slow downs during peak hours. Normally this would indicate it's the internet providers problem, but I decided to change to a new router anyway since I was kind of running out of options. To my surprise, what seemed to beaded drags attempt totally worked! My Internet is faster than ever now!

You want to know what router it is don't you? Alright here it is.........
It's the Asus rt-n56u! Best of all, there's barely any configurations that needed to be made. It was literally plug and play. (get it? Play .. Xbox live) getting the VoIP to work properly thought needed a firmware update, but that was spretty much it.  For the slow downs. They're totally gone and the VoIP sound quality is great!

Stay tuned for a review on the Asus router.


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